Can our fossil fuel based energy system be transformed into a sustainable, low-carbon system with a high share of renewable energy sources? And how do we have to design it in order to secure a reliable energy supply at affordable cost for all? This globally pressing and very demanding challenge was addressed in this year’s → di più…
Archivi per 2015
Donazione di 10 milioni per il sostegno del campo tecnico-scientifico
La Fondazione Svizzera degli Studi riceve dalla Fondazione Werner Siemens una donazione di dieci milioni di franchi distribuiti su dieci anni. Con questi fondi la Fondazione Svizzera degli Studi potrà sostenere annualmente circa 1000 promettenti studenti – un numero significativamente maggiore rispetto al passato. La maggior parte dei fondi sarà destinata alle studentesse e agli → di più…
Espace et territoire − droit, économie, politique et littérature
Le Tableau de la Suisse – voyage intellectuel à travers la Suisse. Samedi, 29.8.2015 (Lausanne) – samedi, 05.9.2015 (Zurich) (avec excursion supplémentaire facultative du 5 au 6 septembre) D’importants votes nationaux nous ont montré, ces dernières années, que l’utilisation du sol et l’aménagement du territoire sont de véritables pommes de discorde en Suisse : des initiatives dans le domaine → di più…
Comment enseigner avec succès ?
Les ordinateurs remplaceront-ils les enseignants, voire l’école ? Des études publiées ces dernières années ont démontré le peu d’effet de certains instruments sur le succès des apprenants – alors que la personnalité, la compétence et l’attitude des enseignants s’avèrent aussi cruciaux pour un apprentissage efficace et durable qu’un enseignement clair, confiant, rythmé et interactif en classe. → di più…
Launch of the Debating Society of the Swiss Study Foundation
«For good ideas and true innovation, you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.» US author and businesswoman Margaret Heffernan Debating is a vital tool of communication as it fosters the exchange of competing views and ultimately propels ideas and innovation in society. In the recent past, students of the Swiss Study Foundation have made their → di più…
Parodie, satire et ironie entre liberté et tolérance
Séminaire « Univers Suisse ». La satire est-elle sacrée même à l’égard du sacré ? La question soulève les valeurs en conflit entre cultures, et touche au cœur de la nôtre, partagée entre liberté d’expression et tolérance. Avec le satiriste et neuropsychologue Sebastian Dieguez, une juriste et un littéraire, nous explorerons, dans l’histoire de la culture et des → di più…
National Model United Nations, New York
Have you ever wondered how the United Nations work and how countries negotiate issues with each other? If so, the National Model United Nations (NMUN) is an opportunity to get first hand experience in this field. The NMUN is the largest simulation of United Nations negotiations for students. Every year about 5000 students from all → di più…
Energy Systems in Transition : Present and Future Technologies & Policies
A European Campus of Excellence (ECE) course on energy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). From 28th June to 18th July 2015 a three-week summer school on energy will be held in Switzerland to which 30 excellent bachelor and master students from all over Europe are invited. Are you interested in → di più…
Reading Group : Cognition, Perception and Consciousness
What is consciousness? How do we perceive something like a color? What are the effects of cognitive biases on our everyday lives? There are many fields of psychology which are highly interesting for non-psychologists and which are treated in numerous best-selling books. In an interdisciplinary group of students, we will read and discuss a selection → di più…